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Technology continues to evolve at a rapid rate. Newer technology is always right around the corner, but this should not deter you from buying the system you need now.
Spend as much as you can comfortably afford. The more you invest, the longer your system will remain viable.
Unless you have specific needs, you do not need to acquire the absolutely highest level of current technology. On the other hand, saving a few dollars by buying low on the technology curve is a false economy.
Technical specifications are not the whole story. Make sure that you are investing in decent quality components and construction, and that you will be able to get service for your system from the manufacturer or vendor should the need arise.

Having your own system is a great convenience, but many people just use the computers available in public labs.
When buying a new computer you will often be given two or more choices of Operating System. We have put together this guide to help you determine which operating system is right for you.

System Targets


Technology continues to evolve at a very rapid pace, but a system that meets or exceeds the targets outlined below should serve general needs for at least three years. Systems at the bottom of the current product line are often available at considerable savings, but will have a shorter useful lifespan.

Some minimum targets for a decent system that can run contemporary software are outlined below. You should be able to buy systems that meet these targets for less than $600. With the fast pace of innovation, particularly in processor speed, any recommendation for a specific level of system will soon be out of date. These guidelines are current as of early 2005.

Altamonte | Clermont | Eustis | Kissimmee | Lake County | Mount Dora | Orlando | Orange County | Osceola County | Seminole County | Winter Garden
MCSA | MCTS | MCDST | MCITP | MCSE | MOS | A+® | i-Net+® | Network+® | Security+®
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